Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Incomprehensible Act of Evil in Newtown Connecticut

My eight-year-old nephew was in his third grade classroom in Sandy Hook Elementary School during the mass murder on December 14, 2012. In the moments after receiving the call that the school was in lock down in response to a shooting, my brother frantically raced to find his son. Arriving at the school he encountered an ominous scene, police cars, ambulances and emergency personnel everywhere. My brother could hardly breath with fear. Someone told him to go to the nearby firehouse. There he found his boy grouped together with classmates and teacher. Although not physically harmed, my nephew heard the screams and murder of his principal over the intercom as well as hundreds of rounds of gunfire.

Our family was very fortunate, but not so for the families of the 20 beautiful children and six heroic women teachers whose lives were ended by this incomprehensible act of evil. The tragedy in Newtown compels all of us to act to prevent gun violence in our nation.